For a period of 24 hours, those taking part will go offline switching off all mobile devices while taking the time to focus on real life relationships and activities.
Who can take part?
Schools, individuals, families – anyone who’d like to give their support to the organisation to help more young people stay safe online.
How can you sign up?
If you’d like to take part, visit the Breck Foundation Facebook page to register your interest and download the sponsorship form to get started. Alternatively, you can also visit their Just Giving page to support their work.
What is the Breck Foundation?
The Breck Foundation was set up in memory of Breck Bednar 14, who loved technology and online gaming but was sadly groomed online and murdered in February 2014. Its core aim is to help other young people enjoy playing and socialising online safely by giving them the information and tools they need and encouraging them to ‘Play virtual Live real’.