How to set parental controls on Plusnet SafeGuard
You will need a Plusnet account and broadband subscription.
Log in
Step 1 – Go to
Step 2 – Log in to your Plusnet account with the username and password you created when you signed up for Plusnet – you’ll find it in any email Plusnet has sent you.

Select 'Broadband' from the top navigation
Then select ‘Safeguard’ from the ‘Help and Settings’ section at the bottom.

Click the ON/OFF button at the top of the screen to switch on the filter

Specify the time you want the controls to be active
The filter will only work between these times.

Click on 'Block Categories'
Then click on ‘block’ to apply the filter category.

Select 'Block Websites'
This allows you to enter a list of specific sites that you wish to block for website security.

Select 'Allow Websites'
Now you can enter a list of specific sites that you’d like to allow.

How to set parental controls on Plusnet SafeGuard

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