
Online scams advice hub

Celebrate Safer Internet Day 2025

This year’s Safer Internet Day theme is all about online scams.

Help children navigate and protect themselves from harmful online scams with our guidance below.

A girl looks upset and stares into the distance while holding the smartphone.

What’s inside the hub

Improve your understanding of scams in the online space, including how to prevent scams and deal with them if your child is a victim.

Learn about online scams

Discover the shape that scams can take online to help protect your child.

A mother shows her daughter actions to prevent scams.

Prevent online scams

See what actions you can take to prevent your child from being scammed.

A dad comforts his daughter to help deal with scams.

Deal with online scams

If your child sees a scam or becomes a victim, see what you can do to tackle it.

Online scams resources

Get further online scams support for you and your child.

A mum with a smartphone and icons related to scams and security.

Tackling online scams interactive guide

Explore, download or print this guide to tackling scams online.