
Netflix parental controls guide

Step-by-step guide

Netflix’s parental controls help our members discover content that the whole family can enjoy. Every family can customise the parental control tools to meet their needs.
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How to set parental controls on Netflix

You will need access to the Netflix app and family account (email and password). If your child has their own account, you will need access to that.


How to manage a profile

Step 1 – Open the app and log into your profile.

Netflix login menu

Step 2 – Click My Netflix in the bottom right corner.

Netflix homepage

Step 3 – Click the 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner.

Netflix My Account

Step 4 – Select Manage Profiles.

Netflix Manage Profile

Step 5 – Choose the profile you would like to change the settings on

Netflix choose a profile

You can now begin managing this account


Managing what your child can watch

To set a maturity rating:

Step 1 – From your child’s Edit Profile page, select Viewing restrictions.

Netflix Edit Profile with Viewing Restrictions highlighted

Step 2 – Click Maturity ratings.

Netflix Viewing Restrictions with Maturity Ratings highlighted

Step 3 – Here you can choose which age ratings you are comfortable with your child watching. You can also click the Children’s profile option, which will mean your child will only see child-friendly content.

Netflix Maturity Settings

To block specific titles:

Step 1 – From the Viewing restrictions menu, click Block titles

Netflix Viewing Restrictions with Block Titles highlighted

Step 2 – In the box, type in the title of any TV show or movie you do not want your child to access, and then click the title you want to block from the dropdown.

Netflix Block titles page

Set a PIN

To set a PIN:

Step 1 – From your child’s Edit Profile page, select Profile

Netflix Edit Profile screen with Profile lock highlighted

Step 2 – Click the Create profile lock button.

Netflix Create a profile lock

Step 3 – Type in your password and press Enter.

Netflix Create a profile lock login

Step 4 – Choose a 4-digit PIN and click Save.

Netflix profile lock PIN

This PIN will now be required to access this account.


Turning off autoplay

Netflix’s autoplay feature, which automatically plays the next episode after watching an episode of a TV show, can cause people to watch Netflix for longer than they had originally planned. This feature can be turned off to help balance screen time.

To turn off autoplay:

Step 1 – Go to your child’s Edit Profile page.

Netflix profile page

Step 2 – Scroll down to the bottom of the page and toggle the Autoplay next episode option.

Netflix Autoplay highlighted