Internet Matters

Stuff to know – advice for young people

Learn more about how to stay safe on social media with our top 10 tips.

Get the best out of social media with these tips

Keep your personal information and profile private!

Only add friends you know in real life.

Share your profile and photos only with close friends and family.

Avoid sharing your location or the school or clubs you go to.

Never meet up alone with anyone you meet and only know online.

If someone hacks your account or makes a page in your name, report it to the site.

Check you do not show any personal information like your school name, in photos and videos before you post.

Try not to share all your plans and say where you will be next.

Ignore rude comments posted on your profile, tell a trusted adult so they can keep a record, block, and report.

Never post or share nudes or sexually provocative photos. If you have made a mistake or someone uses this to make threats, report it, and get help from a parent, teacher, or an adult you trust. The police can trace abusive people.

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