In the next instalment of our parent voices, Yasmin shares struggle with screen time
oh my goodness okay week two don't even
know where to figure no it's not been
that bad I would say not a whole lot has
changed in terms of how I've been using
technology this week I'm still doing the
same you know weekly pop quizzes with my
family over zoom which I'm really loving
just yeah taking life a bit more slow
and using the Internet to help connect
friends and family Remy on the other
hand he is too and I think before
lockdown we had quite a balanced day
like we'd usually go out to a playgroup
in the morning then we'd come home we
might do a bit of play he'd obviously
have his TV time but it was just sort of
a part of the day a part of like an
extended variety of activities which
have all kind of been taken away from us
now due to half and stay at home so not
gonna lie we have been getting the iPad
out more we have been turning the TV on
a lot more and it's been really helpful
like genuinely I decided to kind of
embrace the positives of it embrace the
fact that he is learning when he plays a
lot of these games on the iPad he is
learning when he watches TV shows even
if it doesn't seem like it he's picking
up a lot of words because he's at that
age where he's really taken everything
in so I've noticed that there's so many
new words he's picking up and it's from
these TV shows so there's definitely a
lot of positives
however because we've been enjoying our
screen time so much it's actually become
very hard to drag him away from the
screens and again I don't know if it's
an age thing but he's getting very
shouty very upset throwing a lot of
tantrums when I try and turn the TV off
even if I'm like presenting him with a
different activity which is just as fun
and exciting I think he started sort of
starting to not see him see the appeal
sorry I can't no more so he's starting
to not see the appeal in other
activities because he's living his green
so much and that's something I'm
definitely trying to work on at the
moment because it is definitely
affecting his mood and his personality
and that's not something I want I don't
want to get too used to relying on the
internet and on screens during lockdown
because that is going to be a point
where we're out
this situation and I don't want it to be
too hard to sort of transition back into
reality see yeah that's definitely
working on at the moment but generally
I'm a big fan of how a lot of kids games
have child locks on them so if he's
trying it's been a few times because he
doesn't really know what he's doing
sometimes and it's gone to a screen
where he's trying to purchase the full
game and it's like three pounds a week
but luckily a lot of them have child
locks on so it'll say things like enter
your date of birth and obviously he
doesn't even know what that means so
then he'll gives the iPad to me and I
realize he's tried to buy something and
I just swiftly stopped that so I'm a big
fan of all the child locks that are on a
lot of these things or that you can turn
on but yeah generally my goal for this
week is to cut down on screen time and
try to offer other activities keep
offering of activities and hope that we
kind of get back to a more normal way of
living as great as screens are we don't
want them all the time and that's
currently what's happening so yeah stay
tuned because next week hopefully we'll
be in a different situation fingers