Do you want to keep in contact?
If the only reason for giving your child a mobile phone is for safety, then there are alternatives to smartphones.
Basic phones (also called bricks or dumb phones) let your child call and text you. However, they don’t have an internet connection, which make them a good option for younger children at primary school.
Learn more about dumb phones here.
Do you want to track your child’s location?
Some parents like smartphones because of location-tracking options. However, there are other ways to do this without a smartphone.
Tracking devices such as Apple’s AirTag or other trackers like Tile are good alternatives. Remember to discuss your reasons for tracking their location to help them understand how it supports their safety.
Do you want to use a second-hand smartphone?
If you can’t afford a new basic phone but have a second-hand smartphone, you can restrict some of the smartphone features. This might include downloading a special app, using built-in parental controls or creating separate user accounts.
See how to make a smartphone ‘dumb’ here.
What pressures does your child face?
You can get ahead of peer pressure by contacting the parents of your child’s friends. Perhaps you can mutually agree to hold off on smartphones until a certain age. This will reduce the chance of your child feeling left out.
If you find these conversations productive, use the opportunity to also agree other rules. Examples include not using devices during mealtimes or before homework. You might also set screen time limits and a ‘bedtime’ for phones once children do have a mobile.
Are you informed about the risks?
Educate yourself on the potential harmful risks your child might face online. Eventually, your child will probably want a phone that can connect to the internet.
Therefore, while they learn positive communication with their basic phones, you can learn about the latest online safety issues. Read up on things you can do to keep your child safe on smartphones as well.
Are their devices set up for safety?
Whatever device your child uses — whether it’s a tablet, smartphone or even a video games console — it’s vital that you set it up with safety in mind.
These devices often allow access to the internet. This means children can likely access the most popular apps and platforms. If this access is unrestricted (or unknown), children face greater risk of harm.
Find a step-by-step guide to restrict internet and app access here.
Does their school allow mobile phones?
Check the mobile phone policy at your child’s school. Does it align with your expectations?
In Primary Schools
In February 2024, the government issued guidance to schools to prohibit the use of mobile phones during the school day. While the guidance is non-statutory, 3/4 of primary schools already ask children to hand in phones. Students then collect them at the end of the day.*
In Secondary Schools
For secondary school children, the picture is more complex. This is because many schools use online systems to manage schoolwork, and most children have their own school email. So, they will probably need some way to access these systems — whether that is through a phone, laptop or tablet.