Many of us will give or receive gifts which are “connected” for Christmas this year. From a digital camera that immediately streams to YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, to the latest smartphone, online game or Oculus headset, a lot of us will spend time on Christmas day figuring out how to get our latest gadget online and connected to the world wide web.
There are a few simple tips that can be helpful when using tech and trying to get a good balance over the festive period.
It’s a good idea to agree on some tech-free times for everyone (adults included!) mealtimes are a good place to start. Equally, not having technology in the bedroom overnight is a good strategy and will help to ensure that everyone has a better nights sleep without the distraction of a device that is constantly pinging with group messages and notifications throughout the night. Take some time to look into the tools that are available on smartphones, tablets and other devices and ideally set up parental controls by agreeing with your child on what is a sensible approach to content that they can access and time that they can spend.
Many platforms and online games allow parents to control and manage who their children are able to talk to and contact. As they get older it is appropriate for our children to have a bit more freedom, we have to trust them but it is really important that they would feel able to come and speak to someone if they needed help.
We need to ensure that if they ever feel uncomfortable, worried or scared that they will come and speak to us about that – but they won’t if they fear our reaction. Parents will understandably want to safeguard their children but banning them from spending time online when they haven’t done anything wrong is probably not the best approach, particularly if it is someone else who has behaved in the wrong way towards them. Making time to discuss what they are doing online is important.