Neurodivergent young people and online games
Exploring neurodivergent young people’s views and experiences of online games
Supported by Roblox, this research aims to better understand the benefits and challenges of online games on neurodivergent young people.
See what the research says and find resources to support children below.

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What’s in this report?
This research to support neurodivergent children and young people used an online survey and focus groups. 56% of parents who responded had at least one child on the autism or autistic spectrum while 48% had at least one child with ADHD. Completed surveys totalled 480.
In the report, you can explore:
- neurodivergent young people’s online behaviours and experience of video games;
- feelings/attitudes from parents and young people towards online games;
- challenges associated with playing online games for neurodivergent teens;
- neurodivergent young people’s ability and confidence to stay safe online;
- how to help these children enjoy benefits of playing games safely;
- the relationship between neurodivergent young people and Roblox.
Key report findings
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neurodivergent young people play video games offline or online.
say that gaming makes them happy.
make their own content online.
of neurodivergent young people play Roblox.
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See the key findings from this research to help support neurodivergent young people who game.