Internet Matters
Rebecca Avery

Rebecca Avery

Training and Development Manager and Online Safety Lead, Kent County Council

Rebecca Avery is the Online Safety Lead within Kent County Council’s LADO Education Safeguarding Advisory Service and has been working in the online safety space since 2008.

She provides support, training and guidance regarding online safety for all Kent educational settings including schools, colleges and early year’s settings. Her role has involved the development of a suite of child protection and online safeguarding policies and guidance documents, which are used as examples of good practice in the UK and beyond.

Rebecca is a member of the UKCIS (UK Council for Internet Safety) Education Working Group and the National Education Network (NEN) Safeguarding Group and has contributed to a range of national online safety policy guidance. In 2012 she was named as CEOP’s “Children’s Champion of the Year”. In 2015, she completed her Master’s degree in Advanced Child Protection with the Centre for Child Protection at the University of Kent.

Rebecca is passionate about the importance of evidence-based practice to empower professionals and families to work in partnership to support children to use the internet safely and responsibly.