
We’re committed to giving everyone the best experience on our site.
Learn more about how our accessibility tools support people of all abilities and disabilities, including older audiences, and those with visual, hearing, cognitive or motor impairments.

How do our accessibility tools work?

To help you make changes to the look and feel of the site and structure, you’ll find our accessibility tool icon on every page. This tool features a range of functions that will help you navigate the site in a way that is specific to your needs.
Below you’ll find how-to videos and summaries of how to use each tool to ensure you have the best experience on our site.

What else are we doing to make our wealth of advice accessible?
Across the site, you’ll also find a wide range of downloadable guides that are also accessible to ensure we cater for all abilities and disabilities.

Adjust colour settings

There are four colour contrast settings for those with colour blindness or to cater to those who may find it hard to differentiate between colour contrasts.

  • Invert colours
  • Dark contrast
  • Light contrast
  • Desaturate

How to use the Contrast tool
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Find the icon contrast and keep clicking until you find the contrast that is suitable for you.
To reset, simply click reset.
Text spacing

There are three settings to increase space between text:

  • Light spacing
  • Moderate spacing
  • Heavy spacing

How to use the Text Spacing tool.
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Click the accessibility icon on your screen.
To increase the spacing between the words on the page, click text spacing.
There are three options: light, moderate and heavy and it will increase the text spacing on the page.
To reset all, just click reset all.
Readable font

Allows users to change the font on the page to a standard font, for ease of reading.

How to use the Readable Font tool.
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Click on the accessibility menu icon on the page and to change the fonts on the page to be more readable, simply chick legible fonts and it will change the fonts on the page.
To reset, simply click reset all.
Highlight links

Links are underlined to highlight hyperlinked text.

How to use the Highlight Links tool.
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Highlight links and you will see all the links on the page become highlighted.
To reset, simply click reset all.
Page structure

This tool will display a list of what’s on the page to make it easier to jump straight to a specific section.

How to use the Page Structure tool.
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Click on the accessibility menu on the page and to view the page structure for navigation.
Simply click page structure and you will see every element of the navigation on here which you can click to go straight to that section of the page.
To reset, simply click reset all.
Stop animations

Enable or disable animations such as GIFs or videos.

How to use the Stop Animations tool.
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Click on the accessibility tool icon.
And in order to stop animations, you simply click stop animations and it will stop any video or other animations on the page from playing.
To reset, simply click reset all.
Make text bigger

There are four options to increase the text size to support those with visual impairments.

How to use the Bigger Text tool.
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Click on the accessibility tool icon on your screen and to make the text bigger, simply click bigger text.
There are four options which will increase the size of the text on the page.
To reset, simply click reset all.

Two options to enlarge your cursor along with a reading guide.

How to use the Big Cursor tool.
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Click the accessibility tool on the page.
To make the cursor bigger, simply click cursor.
And there are two options, in addition to making the cursor bigger, you can also have a reading guide to help you read the text on the page.
To reset, click reset all.

This site meets level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1)