Internet Matters

Online gaming resources

Take a look at the latest gaming resources to help you navigate the world of online video games, from setting parental controls to finding suitable games for your children.

Useful resources

See some helpful resources to help children and young people play video games online safely and get the best out of their experience.

Here are tech tools and parental control guides that you can use to set digital boundaries on game consoles and gaming platforms that your child uses.

They can help you monitor how your child is using their device to support them in building good online habits. It’s always good to sit down together with your child to discuss how you’ll be using these so they feel part of the decision-making process.

Get support to choose the best video games and platforms most suitable for your child with these helpful resources.

See the latest gaming guide created for children help give children the right support to make smarter and safer choices while gaming.

Here is a list of organisations that provide support to parents on issues relating to gaming such as age ratings or are seen as a collective voice to represent the gaming industry as a whole.

Featured online gaming articles and resources