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To make it easier for teachers and families to support children’s education from home, Google has launched the ‘Teach from Home’ portal.
To make it easier for teachers and families to support children’s education from home, Google has launched the ‘Teach From Home‘ portal.
Teach From Home is a central hub of information, tips, training and tools from across Google for Education to help teachers keep teaching, even when they aren’t in the classroom.
Currently the page features support on how to connect with students virtually through their Hangouts tool and advice on how to do online quizzes using Google Forms. Google plan to add more advice over time to make it richer for Teachers to use.
Supporting teachers with session to get started on G Suite
Although the resource mostly focuses on tools to help teachers manage distance learning with their students, there is also a section for families called ‘Learn@Home‘.
Making the most of YouTube Learning
Learn@Home highlights fun and educational channels that children can watch at home that can help them learn about specific topics. The recommended channels are organised by age (Channels for families with kids 13 & older, Channels for families with kids 5 & up and Channels for families with preschoolers).
This is a great resource for families to use to complement homework while making the most of the YouTube platform.