Participate in Anti-Bullying Week 2019 – ‘Change Starts With Us’

Anti-Bullying Change Starts With Us campaign video

As a member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we are proud to support Anti-Bullying Week (11th – 15th November) this year to focus on the important things we all can do to take action against bullying.

Coordinated by the Anti-bullying Alliance, the theme for the week this year theme is ‘Change starts with us‘ over bullying. It’s an opportunity to inform schools, children and young people, parents and carers to know that it takes a collective responsibility to stop bullying.  There is an emphasis on collectively making small, simple changes to break the cycle to create a safe environment for everyone.

Whether you’re a teacher, parent or carer, there are great ways you can get involved and show your support, take a look below.

Support Anti-Bullying Week 2019

Use our age-specific parent conversation guides to support your child

If you are a teacher, see Anti-Bullying Week school resources

Get involved on social media #ChangeStartsWithUs

Resources document

Read the Anti-Bullying Week – ‘Change Starts With Us’ 2019 Report which highlights how we can all take action against bullying.

See report

What you can do as a parent

Make time to have regular conversations about cyberbullying to support your child

We’ve created bespoke conversation guides to help you talk to your child about cyberbullying equip them with the know-how to deal with it.

Pledge to share Stop, Speak, Support code with kids on 14th November 2019

As part of Anti-Bullying Week,  Stop, Speak, Support Day (Thursday 14th November) is an opportunity to share the Stop, Speak, Support code with children to give them simple them to take positive steps to deal with cyberbullying.  Learn more about the day

Share the Stop Speak Support code of conduct to give them positive steps to tackle cyberbullying.

Anti-Bullying Week resources for parents

Visit our Cyberbullying hub to get practical tips to protect your child from bullying

On the 14th November pledge to share the Stop, Speak, Support code with your child

On the 8th November pledge to celebrate Friendship Friday with your child

Get involved in Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying week to ‘Choose Respect’

What you can do as a school

Anti-Bullying Week resources for schools

The Anti-Bullying Alliance has created a number of resources designed to support schools with their activities this Anti-Bullying Week. Visit their site to see all the resources available.

Anti-Bullying Week 2019 film for primary schools

Anti-Bullying Week 2019 film for secondary schools

Who are the Anti-Bullying Alliance?

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a unique coalition of organisations and individuals, who work together to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. They are hosted by the National Children’s Bureau and is part of the NCB Education and Equalities Team.

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