Internet Matters

Lots of us are looking for learning online. But where’s the good stuff?

Angela Ellis | 6th April, 2020
Mum and two children looking at a laptop on the sofa

Angela Ellis from Good Things Foundation shares advice on how the Make It Click website can help families develop critical digital skills.


Getting savvy with tech

My kids ask me to let them buy or download apps or games on an almost daily basis – or at least it feels like that! I try, in that moment of their impatience, to suss out if I want to say yes. Is the content age-appropriate? Will complete strangers be able to message them? And lots of other factors that, if you’re a parent, you’ll be used to thinking about too.

I think I’ve got a decent handle on what is and isn’t safe and appropriate for my kids, but do I know what to look out for when it comes to my own online viewing? I changed jobs recently and had to develop my own digital skills after 12 years in the same job. I didn’t always know where to go to find reliable and up to date information – there’s a lot out there online but what’s the good stuff? And what can I access now without getting trapped into signing up for spam for years to come?

I’m not alone in not knowing what to look for. 22% of UK adults only use the internet in a limited way. They can use a phone to check social media but don’t know how to create and upload a CV – or where to begin when using a spreadsheet. And we’re only moving to a more digital world, so it’s vital that as many people as possible aren’t just being online but are thriving online. More people need to get savvy with the internet to be able to find employment or make a positive change in their career.

How Make It Click helps develop digital skills

The trouble is, there’s so much information available, it can be hard to find what you need. That’s where Make It Click comes in – we’ve done the searching for you. The site contains a collection of online learning resources to help people build their digital skills. And you can trust it because the courses, tools and templates on there have been carefully picked from websites with a track record of giving people the digital skills they need. We’ve worked with people who are limited users themselves to decide what we include on there, and we’re constantly updating and adding more information.

The site can teach you about online security, presentations and social media. And there are lots of different ways to learn, from video courses and tutorials to written guides and blogs. You’ll also find online tools and templates you can use at home or in work.
If the site had been around when I was changing jobs, I would have valued it hugely. If you’re starting a new job – or would like to – I hope you find information on there that’s useful.

And if you can’t find what you need then let us know! I want us to keep adding to Make it Click. I hope that by doing so, more of us will continue learning, developing our careers and be able to suss out what’s good quality information on other websites.

Get personalised advice and ongoing support

The first step to ensure your child’s online safety is getting the right guidance. We’ve made it easy with ‘My Family’s Digital Toolkit.’