
Canllaw OS X Mavericks

Canllaw Rheolaethau a Gosodiadau

Mavericks Mae rheolaeth rhieni yn caniatáu i'ch plant gael profiad diogel a hapus ar y Mac. Gan ddefnyddio dewisiadau Rheolaethau Rhieni, gallwch reoli, monitro a rheoli'r amser y mae eich plant yn ei dreulio ar y Mac, y gwefannau maen nhw'n ymweld â nhw, a'r bobl maen nhw'n sgwrsio â nhw.
Arwr tywys OS X Mavericks

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How to set up the Mavericks OS for safety

You will need access to your child’s mac with Mavericks OS. However, up-to-date devices should have a newer operating system, so be sure to check for updates.


How to set parental controls on OS X Mavericks

To set parental controls on OS X Mavericks:

1 cam – On your mac desktop, choose Apple menu in top corner and system preferences.

mavericks 1

2 cam – Then click ‘Rheolaethau Rhiant'.

MAvericks 2

3 cam – When you open Parental Controls preferences.

If you see the message “There are no user accounts to manage,” you’ll need to create another profile which you can manage.

MAvericks 3

4 cam – Select the user, then click ‘Galluogi Rheolaethau Rhieni'.

MAvericks 4

5 cam – Click one of the tabs along the top to start restricting things.

Y cyntaf ar y rhestr yw Apps. Nodwch pa apiau y gall y plentyn gael mynediad iddynt.

MAvericks 5

6 cam – Select web to specify which websites the child can access.

Mavericks 6

7 cam – Select stores to specify which online entertainment sites the child can access.

MAvericks 7

Cam 8 - Dewiswch amser i nodi pa gyfnodau amser y gall y plentyn gael mynediad i'r mac.

Mavericks 8

9 cam – Select privacy to specify which apps can access the child’s data.

MAvericks 9

10 cam – Select other.

Bydd hyn yn caniatáu ichi nodi'r feddalwedd olaf sy'n weddill efallai y byddwch am i'r plentyn gael mynediad cyfyngedig hefyd.

Mavericks 10

How to set up the Mavericks OS for safety