Internet Matters

Connect school and home

When it comes to children and young people’s online safety, parents often rely on schools. This may be because of their trust in teachers’ ability to pick up on issues quickly or simply because they lack expertise.

We have designed the below resources to support parents and carers as they tackle their child’s online safety.

A teacher in front of the parent presentation screen.

Parent presentations

Download this selection of online safety presentations, along with scripts, to support parents and carers as they learn about the importance of online safety.

Making connections between school and home will help young people take charge of staying safe online.

Age-specific guides

These digital age guides outline common online safety issues faced by children from early years all the way up to secondary school.

Support parents and carers in tackling everything from cyberbullying to grooming by providing them with these links.

Leaflets and posters

Provide parents with digital or hard copies of these leaflets and posters to help keep their children safe online.

Choose which resources are most relevant for the parents and carers of your specific students.

Online safety leaflets

Find a range of downloadable and printable online safety guides, which you can share with parents and carers.

Poster pack

Explore online safety posters available for download. Display them around the school or share with parents and carers.

Interactive learning activities

Encourage parents and carers to engage their children in online safety with these interactive learning activities.

Because they are more hands-on, online safety becomes fun and memorable for both child and parent.

Other resources

Support parents and carers further with these online resources that promote online safety at home.

From expert guides to our regular newsletter, these resources help build their confidence in tackling online safety issues.