Internet Matters


Roblox is committed to ensuring its community members can connect, create and come together in a space that is welcoming, safe, inclusive and respectful.

Roblox logo on white background.

What we are doing together

We work with Internet Matters to provide everyone with the insight and information they need to have safe and civil interactions in online spaces is the key to building a safer internet.

Together, we work to ensure parents and children have the tools, language and advice needed to discuss online safety and have age-appropriate online interactions.

Additionally, we work with Internet Matters to deepen our understanding of the best ways to support people from diverse backgrounds as they navigate Roblox and other online spaces. This includes creating shared resources and collaborating on ground-breaking research.

In 2024, we partnered with Internet Matters to research how neurodivergent young people interact with online games. The report, More than a game: Exploring neurodivergent young people’s relationships with online games platforms, aims to better understand the benefits and challenges of online games on neurodivergent young people.

This research also paved the way for the development of new resources to help neurodivergent young people benefit from games while staying safe online.

Previously, we partnered with Internet Matters on a research project with teens in the UK called Demystifying Teens Online Interactions (2021). The report explored friendships, self-expression and creativity in the online world, examining areas where teens feel fulfilled and those where they need greater support.

We also contribute where we can to guidance Internet Matters shares with parents like with this article on Roblox’s role in the metaverse and this guide on immersive learning.

Why support Internet Matters 

With common visions for the future of online spaces, Roblox partners with Internet Matters to support their important work in reaching families and internet users to help them better understand how to have safe and civil online experiences.

Tami Bhaumik -Roblox

Tami Bhaumik – VP of Civility at Roblox

“We see Roblox as a safe, civil, enriching, social place where people from all walks of life will come together to play, work, learn and enjoy shared experiences within a virtual universe. We have spent over a decade building our stringent safety system and policies, and we continuously evolve them to create a safe, civil and inclusive community. “Our work with Internet Matters helps us evolve and drive forward new initiatives that empower people to navigate Roblox and the online world with civility and confidence.”

Set up parental controls on Amazon Echo

See our step-by-step parental controls guide to help you set parental controls on Roblox platform.

Work we do to create a safer digital world

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