Thunder-Man comic strip promoting Anti-Bullying Week competition

To support Anti-Bullying Alliance’s Anti-Bullying Week (16 – 20 Nov) we are asking students to design a comic showcasing how they would help someone that they saw being cyberbullied. To give students inspiration, we’ve partnered with Xander, 5, and his dad Matt to designed a great comic strip featuring Thunder-Man.

Internet Matters TM comic

A bit about Xander and Thunder-Man

Xander as Thunder-Man

Xander Goodwin, 5 years old, created Thunder-Man as a class project. But he wanted his hero to do more. He wanted to ‘do charity’, so Thunder-Man became an advocate of children’s charities in Xander’s name.

Xander feels strongly about bullying and understands cyber-bullying too, his teenage sister been affected by it and he ‘does not like bullies, they make people sad.’

When he heard about #AntiBullyingWeek he wanted to get involved, and this is the first ever Thunder-Man comic strip, produced especially for Internet Matters!

Tu Phan (artist) Bio

Tu Phan-artist

Tu Phan is a comic artist from the Netherlands.  He is fairly new to comic art, but his style (likened to the Japanese ‘Chibi’ art) was seen by Xander on Twitter (which he looks at for pictures of superheroes that he likes, with his dad, Matt).

Tu became heavily involved with the Thunder-Man ideal right from the very beginning, designing pictures of Xander’s hero that have been used on t-shirts, for logos and now the Thunder-Man comic strip. Xander is proud to call Tu the “Official Thunder-Man Artist”.

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