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Xbox 360 guide

Step-by-step guide

The Xbox 360 Parental Controls can restrict access to features like Xbox Live and specifically which games can be played, which films and TV shows can be watched and how long each family member can use the console on a daily or weekly basis.
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Go to the settings menu and select 'Family'

xbox 360 step 1

Scroll across and select the 'Content Controls' option

Any child accounts you have will show up here.

xbox 360 step 2

Change the settings to 'On', activating a preset of parental controls

xbox 360 step 3

Now you are able to select different options and customise your parental settings

When you’re finished select ‘Save and Exit’, which will prompt you to create a passcode if you haven’t already done so.

xbox 360 step 4

Create passcode if you haven't got one already

xbox 360 step 5

Go back and select 'user account'

xbox 360 step 6

Go to 'Privacy & Online Settings' and select 'change settings'

xbox 360 step 7

Go to 'customize'

xbox 360 step 8

Now you are able to customise your privacy settings

xbox 360 step 9

Save settings to end

Note, The settings can take up to 4 hours to take effect.

xbox 360 step 10