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From bullying to pornography: How to keep your children safe online

16th February 2014 by Internet Matters Team
Susie Mesure tackles the key question, how do we keep our children safe online? Susie's detailed advice is provided across the key age groups.

How to Help Your Teenager Manage their Online Reputation

6th February 2014 by Internet Matters Team
Simon Wadsworth, expert in online reputation, provides advice for parents to ensure and help their child in building a good online account of themselves.

Staying safe online: parental control software

5th February 2014 by Internet Matters Team
Concerned about internet safety? This guide to the parental control software offered by ISPs will help you find the perfect family broadband for your home

Lost in cyberspace: How long do children spend online?

16th November 2013 by Internet Matters Team
As sales of laptops and smartphones continue to rise, we asked six 12-year-olds how much time they spend in front of a screen. Click to read how much.

Does technology hinder or help toddlers’ learning?

19th April 2013 by Internet Matters Team
Worried your toddler is obsessed with your smartphone? Recent research suggests touch screens could benefit their learning and interaction with the world.