Come posso aiutare mio figlio a gestire il tempo trascorso davanti allo schermo?

Tech and devices are becoming a larger part of families lives and there is no sign that this is going to change. So, learning how to manage screen time is key.

Get advice from our expert panel to recognise when screen time may be affecting children’s wellbeing and how to help them develop good digital habits.

Dott.ssa Elizabeth Milovidov, JD

Professore di giurisprudenza ed esperto di genitorialità digitale
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How can I spot when my child has had ‘too much’ screen time?

Dalla posizione originale dell'American Academy of Pediatrics (1999) affermando che non c'è tempo di schermatura per i bambini sotto i due anni, successivamente aggiornato ad un approccio più sfumato (2016) nel consentire contenuti di alta qualità per i bambini, ora sappiamo che tutto il tempo sullo schermo non è uguale.

The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health suggest that parents approach screen time “based on the child’s developmental age, the individual need and value the family place on positive activities such as socialising, exercise and sleep.”

Questo consiglio ben intenzionato per le famiglie allevia le preoccupazioni (e la colpa) riguardo alle attività basate sullo schermo, dimostra l'impatto positivo della tecnologia e consente ai genitori di concentrarsi sul contesto e sul contenuto del tempo dello schermo piuttosto che solo sui limiti di tempo.

But some parents and carers may still want to know: “when has my child had ‘too much’ screen time?”

As families and children differ, so does the effects of screen time. However, all parents can use these tips as a guideline.

Guarda come il tuo bambino interagisce con il suo dispositivo

  • Mio figlio ha uno scatto d'ira quando il dispositivo viene rimosso o lo schermo è spento?
  • Mio figlio lamenta dolore al collo o alla schiena?
  • Mio figlio si lamenta di mal di testa o affaticamento degli occhi?
  • Mio figlio diventa aggressivo o arrabbiato quando gioca o guarda online?
  • Mio figlio sembra spesso troppo eccitato?
  • Mio figlio è diventato disorganizzato, disobbediente o oppositivo?

Se la risposta alla maggior parte di queste domande è "Sì", i genitori dovrebbero considerare di integrare le attività sullo schermo con qualcos'altro.

Recognise when screen time negatively impacts children’s development

  • Mio figlio si collega socialmente con la famiglia e gli amici?
  • Mio figlio è fisicamente sano e dorme abbastanza?
  • Mio figlio è impegnato e realizza a scuola?
  • Mio figlio persegue interessi e hobby (in qualsiasi forma)?
  • Mio figlio si sta divertendo e sta imparando nell'uso dei media digitali?

If the answer to the majority of these questions is ‘No’, then parents may need to place limits on screen-based activities.

See more ways to manage screen time and tackle ‘too much’ of it.

Dr. Linda Papadopoulos

Psicologo, autore, emittente e ambasciatore di questioni di Internet
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How can I spot when my child has had ‘too much’ screen time?

The best way to look at is: is it getting in the way of day to day activities?

If your child’s screen time interferes with them seeing friends, doing their homework or having an interrupted family meal, it’s too much screen time.

As a family, you may have rules, but it’s a great idea to discuss with your child their thoughts on what screen time is appropriate –  when and where.

If it’s appropriate to have their device for an hour in the evening, encourage them to use the monitoring tools to look at their own screen time and help them interrupt themselves.

Look at having the wellbeing discussions and also look at a practical discussions around the amount of time they should spend on devices. This will help encourage a varied diet of family time, exercise, socialising and school work.

Find guidance on balancing screen time.

Download the digital family agreement template.

Rebecca Avery

Consigliere per la salvaguardia dell'istruzione, Kent County Council
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What is the best way to encourage children to use apps, website, and tools that will help them manage screen time?

It’s important for parents to discuss with children the need to balance the amount of time spent on and offline. One way to do this is to talk about recognising signs that our bodies need a break from the screen.

This is sometimes difficult (especially for younger children or children with special educational needs). So, there are tools we can use to help us to recognise how long we are spending online and to remind us to take time offline.

Talk to your children about how these tools can help. By doing this, you can explore their views and understanding of screen time and empower them to listen, both to us and their own bodies.

It’s also important to role model a balanced use of screens for your child. If they feel that we are always on our phones, despite telling them it’s not okay, then they may pick up conflicting messages.

One of the best approaches is to talk regularly together about healthy and balanced screen time. Screen time isn’t always problematic, so why not talk with them about what they do online? You might find that it’s more educational than you think!

Find age-specific advice to manage screen time

Laura Higgins

Direttore della Community Safety e Digital Civility, Roblox
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How do I manage screen time balance?

The online world provides an extension to the offline play parks where children meet to wind down, hang out and learn with their friends and peers.

At Roblox, we believe play is an essential activity, both in itself and as a tool to learn soft skills. These skills include how to communicate with others, how to work as a team and how to problem-solve.

The key is to ensure children have a healthy mix of opportunities to discover the world – both on and offline – and to communicate with them on why this variety is important.

Many of the online worlds focused on children offer additional learning and development opportunities layered into the element of ‘play’ – from those teaching Maths and literacy comprehension, right through to platforms like Roblox that are built with teaching children to code in mind.

It’s important to spend time with your children to help them understand how the skills they learn on-screen can fit to the offline world, and to define what ‘quality’ screen time looks like – but also to give them room to play and be kids.

Explore apps to help children develop new skills and passions.