The Big Ask was a survey that was distributed to schools in spring. Its goal was to understand children’s views on improving childhood post-Covid. The Children’s Commissioner for England has now published the results of this survey.
An overview
The Big Ask recorded over half a million responses and its findings are now published in The Big Answer. The survey began a very important dialogue on children’s wants and needs for their future. Regardless of their income levels, ethnicity, age, gender, vulnerabilities and location, children all seemed to want the same basic things: to do well in life and create a better world.
Key findings
- 80% of children were happy with their family life
- 84% of children were happy or okay with life at school or college
- 80% of children were happy or okay with their mental health
- 52% of 9-17-year-olds think they will have a better life than their parents while 9% think they are unlikely to
- Young carers are 70% more likely to be unhappy with their family life
- Only 52% of children are happy with the choice of things to do in their local area
- Girls were twice as likely as boys to be unhappy with their mental health
- Children from deprived areas are more likely to view education as a top future priority than those in affluent areas
- 37% of children worry about ending up in a good job
- 39% of children said that the environment was a main worry about the future