Share a heart to play your part for a better internet

Safer Internet Day is a great time to get practical and make internet safety a priority. This year, to promote respect and kindness online coordinators of the day (UK Safer Internet Centre) is launching the #shareaheart social media campaign to help inspire kindness online on the 9th February 2016.

To spread the love online, we’d like you to take to social media and share your own heart filled messages, images or videos using the hashtag #shareaheart.

Getting involved on social media

You can share your messages by downloading the specially designed heart signs, creating a post filled with heart emojis or something more unique to you.

  • Ideas on the types of things you can share:
  • Positive statement or messages
  • What you love about the internet
  • How you are playing your part to create a safer digital world

Download  red heart
Download  blue heart
Download  grey heart

Examples of how you can share hearts

Here are some examples that we’ve created using the heart signs:


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