Delio â radicaleiddio
If you are concerned that your child is at risks of being radicalised, get advice on the practical things you can do to safeguard them from potential harm.
Pa gamau y dylwn eu cymryd os yw'ch plentyn wedi'i radicaleiddio?
Os ydych chi'n teimlo y gallai eich plentyn - neu blentyn arall - fod mewn perygl uniongyrchol, yn fygythiad i eraill, neu mae risg y gallant adael y wlad, cysylltwch â'r heddlu a sicrhau bod eu pasbort yn cael ei gadw mewn man diogel.
Gallwch riportio unrhyw bryderon ynghylch meithrin perthynas amhriodol ar-lein i'r Gorchymyn Prif Swyddog Gweithredol yr Asiantaeth Troseddu Genedlaethol neu i Gweithredu'n Gynnar a sefydlwyd gan yr Heddlu Gwrthderfysgaeth
- Speak to your child calmly and try to understand why they have adopted these views and use counter narratives to delegitimise them
- Dysgwch hanfodion diogelwch TG i chi'ch hun, naill ai trwy gymryd rhan mewn deunydd ar-lein fel Sgiliau BT ar gyfer Yfory or by taking a skills training course such as the Web Guardians™ programme which teaches mothers a range of things as well as how to spot signs of extremism and radicalisation
- Develop strong counter narratives with which you can delegitimise the logic used by extremist groups
- Recognise the threats faced today are very different from what you experienced in your youth, specifically online safety
- In the case of Islamic extremism, if you believe they plan to travel to join ISIS, keep their passport in a safe place and notify the authorities
- Invite support from other adults they may respect, for example, if you are dealing with Islamic extremism, get in contact with a trusted imam to discredit the ideology of ISIS
Peidiwch â gwneud
- Get angry or become confrontational
- Openly threaten to report them
- Try to stop them from using all phones or computers. This is not a long-term solution and may encourage them to reach out to recruiters in person
- Feel like you are spying or ‘turning in’ your child. They have been specifically targeted by extremists seeking to groom and brainwash them
- By monitoring whether or not your child is becoming radicalised you are trying to protect them from harm, or from harming others
Adnoddau a argymhellir
Featured radicalisation articles

Sut i atal casineb ac eithafiaeth ar-lein gyda phobl ifanc
Dadansoddwr Casineb ac Eithafiaeth, Hannah Rose, yn rhannu mewnwelediad i sut y gallai pobl ifanc gymryd rhan ar-lein. Dysgwch sut i atal casineb ac eithafiaeth ar-lein i gefnogi diogelwch plant.

Beth yw 4chan a pham ei fod yn ddadleuol?
Launched in 2003, 4chan is an established imageboard website with 20 million visitors monthly and 900,000 new posts per day.

Going Too Far – tackle extremism with this classroom resource
Wedi'i greu gan LGfL a'r Adran Addysg, mae Going Too Far yn adnodd newydd i athrawon i helpu myfyrwyr i ddeall eithafiaeth ac ymddygiadau peryglus neu anghyfreithlon ar-lein.

Beth yw'r we dywyll? - Cyngor i rieni
Er mwyn eich helpu i ddeall y risgiau i blant, rydym wedi llunio crynodeb cyflym o'r hyn y mae angen i chi ei wybod.

Sut mae cychwyn sgwrs i egluro beth yw eithafiaeth a radicaleiddio i'm plentyn?
Mynnwch gyngor ar siarad â phlentyn am eithafiaeth a radicaleiddio i sicrhau ei fod yn teimlo ei fod yn cael cefnogaeth ac yn ymwybodol o'r peryglon y gallant eu hwynebu.